Started off the day right by sleeping in until 7:06 A.M. (What has my life come to??) and then drinking some tea before cleaning the snow (more really?!?!) then heading out to Body Pump. Body Pump was great as usual but super hard. I worked in my 5 mile tempo run around body pump and it was pretty craziness! I ran 5 total with 3@7:47 pace. I managed to get in 3.5 before i set up for pump then hopped back on for .5 before pump started. Did pump then ran the last mile after pump. Pretty crazy and tiring not going to lie.
Came home and got my eat on and my girlie came to visit. We went up to Saratoga and ate at Cantina. Chips were delish as was the Sangria I drank with it and the chips. I hopped on over to Plum Dandy Yogurt and ate wonderfully amazing Chocolate Cherry Yogurt. It was so great. Got my shop on at Target and then headed home to make these beauties
Also made PB and enjoyed some amazing mac and cheese. Rented Eat, Pray, Love and you might ask how do you know if you are really obsessed with Pretty Woman and Julia Roberts....When you are watching her in another movie and comparing it to PW. Yes that is what I did.
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