Almost one week ago, I ran the

for the second year in a row. It was amazing last year and I couldn't wait to come back again this year. Race day I was ready after training pretty hard since the Disney Half marathon in January. Woke up around 6:30 a.m. and jogged over to the starting line. It was pretty crazy that it wasn't even light out and there were sooo many runners at the park. We were all here for one reason (to get to battery park...DUH!). Michelle and i said our goodbyes once we got to the park and we headed to our corrals. I made one last pit stop to the porta potty and then ate my espresso luv gu as I entered the corral. As the gun went off all I could think about was how much colder it was than last year. The gun went off after what felt like 7 million years in the corral (it was less than 15...i exaggerate). and we were off. I felt pretty slow starting out with so many people but then got into a groove. The loop around the park was beautiful and all I could think was this is hard...I can do it!! I can do it!! My music led me around the loop and then finally out onto 57th street. The rush that I feel after leaving the park is unbelieveable. I took 2 clif shot blocks at mile 4 and mile 6 and then again at around 8 or 9 can't remember. All i remember was seeing the Disney Store along the route and thinking I need to go there ASAP. Heading out onto the West Side Highway was tough and i walked through a few water/gatorade stations. I just kept chugging along. Once we got closer to the finish (around 11) I was like 2 more miles Woohoo!! I crossed the finish line at 1:45 on the clock (I forgot my watch at the apartment and wasn't going back). I figured it was about 2 minutes off and was happy with that time considering how hard it felt!! I later found out that I was 3 minutes off of the clock with a net time of 1:41:59. I was so beyond happy with my time and completely surprised considering how hard it felt...but I guess that's what it takes to run hard!! All in all I had ana amazing race and for a few days after I felt beat up but I'm on the mend and getting ready for the next race. My friends and I are running
Run for the Wild in the Bronx Zoo on April 30th. So excited. This week has been a recuperate week for me.
I woke up Monday Am for

and made it through the day hobbling. Tuesday I ran 2 miles at the gym after work. Wednesday I went to

in the AM again Thursday I ran 3 miles outside in the frigid cold (really weather ...get the spring memo or what?) Friday I woke up and went to Spin at 5:30. Pearl Jam was played and I was a happy lady. This morning I slept in a bit and went to

. Before pump I ran a mile on the treadmill and then hopped back on after pump for 1.2 miles. I wish it was warmer out so i can pound some mileage outside. We shall see. It is supposed to be almost 40 tomorrow(aka heatwave here !) so I am hoping to get out there and make friends with the fresh air!!
Tonight is dinner with friends and I am in charge of making a salad. Off to the store...
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