I ran in 47:43 which is a definite PR as my last 10K in 2008 was 51:34 Yippee!!
I ran at the Saratoga Spa State Park in the Great Pumpkin Challenge to benefit Saratoga Bridges!! I received a great shirt and there were people dressed up! There was a 10k and 5k (Some friends ran the 5K)
Here's how it all went down:
Woke up at about 7:20 got some coffee going and ate some cereal (i am in LOVE with cinnamon cheerios and chex!) and then waited for my co-worker to pick me up for the race. She called me about 10 minutes after 8 (she was supposed to pick me up at 8) and said she was lost. I told her to relax and she was all in a tizzy. She ended up finding my house and we drove to the park where it was held and had to search for a LEGAL parking space. We found one after about 10 minutes and then made our way to packet pick up and bag drop. We found two of my other coworkers and chatted for a bit while waiting for the race to start. We head toward the start I took my gu then did a quick warm up jog before lining up. The race had about 2000 runners and it took me about 45 seconds to cross the mat. The first mile or so I was going around people but i found my rhythym.
Mile 1: 7:38
Mile 2: 7:41
Mile 3: 7:23
Mile 4: ?? did not register on my cardio trainer app
Mile 5: 7:54
Mile 6: 7:45
Definitely positive splits but the first 10K was flat and the 2nd 10k was HILLY. There as one hill after mile 4 and then you went down the other side did a loop and then back up the hill you went down . It was pretty crazy. I felt really good throughout and I'm really glad that I did so well. (Considering I ran a marathon 13 days ago)!
I am overjoyed at my feat and I'm feeling pretty good. It was a beautiful day to run. Next up: Improving my 5k time. I have been running so many longer distances that 10k and 5k have really been on the backburner.
Time to dig in to my tortilla chips and hydrate with coffee and almond milk ( I life live on the edge...I'm aware!)