Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hello Summer(ish) weather

Nothing screams hello beautiful season (aka my birthday season) like waking up at 5 am and it being light out and running outside in the afternoon and breaking a swear in just a sports bra and shorts (yes..i like being (almost) naked while running...i don't like being confined in my clothes!!

I woke up this AM for a wonderful spin class with the most amazing music.  I really enjoy the spin instructor however there is this women that i always tend to sit behind and it drives me baananas and I have to get it off my chest or I might explode (ok I won't but still).  First of all, she is way to too to be "naturally" tan as we live in CP and god knows there is not sun like FL sun yet to be that tan.  Secondly, when the instructor says to pick up the pace i swear she just spins so face i get dizzy and want to get off my bike and give her a snickers bar so she can go on with the rest of her day....she's that insane it's like unbelieveable...words can not describe.  Third of all, ok i have no third of all...maybe she is a nice lady but I just can't get past the tan and crazy spinning of the wheel.  Rant over back to nice Amy.

After spin, I quickly showered dressed and headed to work.  Worked a full day (which in my case meant some fantastic outside time with my "boys" and then feeding some fish in the pond) went to one student's house where I was able to do what I love doing and hear his use his language appropriately (HUGE!)  After the work day was over, I drove into town which was followed by me attempting to find the most perfect place to park and stake out my run.  I ran and then took a pit stop (TMI Sorry) and then ventured out in the beautiful sun to run some more then stopped in the park to do some push ups and abs and then headed back to the car to call it a day (run wise).  I ran 4 miles total and was sweating like a mess.

That my friends is a beautiful thing.  I am now off to read my current issue of New York Magazine.  I just read Newsweek and learned a ton of info on Bin Laden and the Navy Seasl (I'm apolitical...Shout out to my GMIL for the newsweek subscription)

Time to go read in the sun

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